Great news! Alfred, the app launcher and all-around great automator of small things for MacOS (replacement for MacOS Spotlight functionality), has just been upgraded to Alfred 4 version.
My History with Alfred App
I've been a user of Alfred App since 2012, it must have been one of the first apps I got installed on my very first MacBook Pro 13".
Alfred is a free app but has a Powerpack upgrade ooption which I got within 4 months of using this app, and had been receiving for most major upgrades.
My daily use history started in 2017, so about 2 years ago – it's a great way to look back at the past month to see usage patterns. I'm pretty sure I use only 10-15% of the functionality available in Alfred Powerpack, I think:
In 2016 I upgraded to the lifetime (Mega) license which means any future upgrades are free. I couldn't pass the opportunity to further support Alfred with v4 upgrade, so I paid another £5 to get a "Legendary License":
What Alfred App Does
Alfred App is a launcher: you press a shortcut (that you can configure) and it shows you a prompt for Alfred command:
You then type commands or file names and Alfred assists you.
I quite often use it for basic calculations – you just type the expression and it shows you answer right away:
I also find most of apps via Alfred – you start typing name of the app and it shows you the results that you can click or select using suggested shortcut to start:
If you type something Alfred can't find on your Mac, you'll be offered options to search for it on Google or any other search engines or marketplaces that you can configure:
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