Didn't realise but Kali Linux rolled the last update for this year, Kali Linux 2019.4:
Notable improvements:
- Default desktop environment is Xfce (with new theme)
- Linux Kernel is updated to 5.3.9
- PowerShell is now included as standard
- Kali Documentation is now apparently git-managed (would really like to contribute someday)
But the most talked about feature is "Kali Undercover" mode which is essentially a desktop theme that makes Kali look very similar to Windows 10 desktop – background, icons, task manager, main menu and even file manager are all updated to look like Windows 10.
Am going to give this a try on the Raspberry Pi 4 that I got earlier this year, since it's in the robust FLIRC case now.
Are you using Kali? Have you read any books on it or completed a certificate? Am definitely going to give it a try soon enough!
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