If you are just starting with AWS, you may not know that Amazon Linux images have a special command for confirming most useful information about EC2 instance: ec2-metadata.
Instance info with ec2-metadata
If you just run the command without options, you'll get to see all the available meta info.
Here's an example from the vps2.unixtutorial.org instance (give me a shout if you want access to it for learning Linux!):
[ec2-user@ip-10-10-0-245 ~]$ ec2-metadata ami-id: ami-466768ac ami-launch-index: 0 ami-manifest-path: (unknown) ancestor-ami-ids: not available block-device-mapping: ami: /dev/xvda root: /dev/xvda instance-id: i-0fe057ab7e5ff2XYZ instance-type: t2.nano local-hostname: ip-10-10-0-245.eu-west-1.compute.internal local-ipv4: kernel-id: not available placement: eu-west-1b product-codes: not available public-hostname: public-ipv4: public-keys: keyname:unixtutorial index:0 format:openssh-key key:(begins from next line) ssh-rsa //P6MR9UiNDVDOi7vZ7Um/O+nJwtfVNnqiPfzRFqvm11yIo1WmiyvC3Ilhcowqfd2WJBSb3gwuJVxZk9paBp+CvVU2i99OJO+ss10656g3hBgS2xlMatPWyM/Ab6uZOO0X6NbTL/kSbThsnSyZadue36Qt1pcPWoIp0cV unixtutorial ramdisk-id: not available reservation-id: r-0b1d0abebXYZ security-groups: launch-wizard-15 user-data: not available
Command line options for ec2-metadata
There are also lots of command line options to show individual fields from this output.
Confirm AMI image ID with ec2-metadata
[root@ip-10-10-0-245 ~]# ec2-metadata -a ami-id: ami-466768ac
Confirm Current EC2 Instance ID with ec2-metadata
[root@ip-10-10-0-245 ~]# ec2-metadata -i instance-id: i-0fe057ab7e5ff2f1d
Confirm Internal IP addresses with ec2-metadata
[root@ip-10-10-0-245 ~]# ec2-metadata -o local-ipv4:
Confirm external IP address with ec2-metadata
This will only work if you actually have external IPv4 address mapped to your instance.
[root@ip-10-10-0-245 ~]# ec2-metadata -v public-ipv4:
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