Unix Tutorial Digest – January 4th, 2020

Unix Tutorial Digest: monthly digest of Unix/Linux topics

It’s time for another Unix Tutorial digest – this issue covers notable events and releases in December 2019.

I also plan to start annual digests, will try and publish the Unix Tutorial Annual Digest 2019 tomorrow.

Please get in touch to arrange a technical consultation with me or suggest a useful link for the next digest here at Unix Tutorial.

Unix Tutorial News

Unix Tutorial website now has a chat feature! This means you can ping me and ask a quick question or discuss a project. My online (live chat) time is quite limited but please take a moment to leave me note and your email so that I can get back to you.

Unix and Linux News

I have started a new category on Unix Tutorial – called New Releases, that’s where OS upgrades and Linux kernel releases will be announced going forward (they’re still blog posts).

Software News

Interesting and Useful

Unix Tutorial articles

Full list of posts published on Unix Tutorial in December 2019, 18 posts in total:

That’s it for the month of December 2019!

See Also