Ubuntu 19.04 Released


Pretty cool! Next version of Ubuntu, 19.04 (Disco Dingo) has just been released. I couldn’t wait to try it in my VirtualBox setup – seems there are lots of performance improvements that are noticeable even in a virtual machine!

Seems 2GB is the minimum RAM for Ubuntu 19.04

The installer kept freezing on me, I coudln’t understand why. I even upgraded VirtualBox from 6.0.4 to 6.0.6 – quite a few bugs fixed, you know. But this didn’t help with my issue and eventually I realised: Ubuntu 19.04 needs more than 1GB of RAM to work properly. Once I upgraded VM RAM to 2GB, the installer worked just fine:

Ubuntu 19.04 runs on Linux Kernel 5.0.0

One of the reasons Ubuntu 19.04 is promised to be such an improvement performance wise: it’s running on Linux Kernel 5.0.0:


Have you installed Ubuntu 19.04 yet? What do you think?

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