screenFetch in MacOS

screenFetch – MacOS

Just realised that I haven’t tried running screenFetch on my MacBook, should look pretty cool!

Install screenFetch in MacOS

Just use the Homebrew to install screenFetch:

$ brew install screenfetch

screenFetch error with readlink in MacOS Mojave

There seems to be some inconsistency there, because I get an error when running screenfetch on my MacOS Mojave:

greys@maverick:~ $ screenfetch
readlink: illegal option -- f
usage: readlink [-n] [file …]

It’s weird, because manpage for readlink suggests -f option exists and specifies format, but command itself doesn’t seem to support it:

screenFetch in MacOS Mojave

Anyway, syntax error aside, screenfetch on MacOS works and looks beautiful:

screenfetch – MacOS

See Also

VirtualBox 6.0 Beta 2

It’s great to see that Oracle VirtualBox is still being actively developed, not just maintained.

I have downloaded the latest beta of the upcoming VirtualBox 6.0 release, and it feels like a nice refresh of interface and functionality.

VirtualBox 6.0 Screenshots

See Also

Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope screenshots

I’m finally getting ready to start publishing some tips with screenshots, so today it’s just a humble screenshot tour of my fresh Ubuntu 9.04 install.

Let me know if you struggle with any graphics desktop functionality, and I’ll try my best to help and show it with screenshots.

By the way: I really like one of the new community themes which come with Ubuntu 9.04, it’s called the Dust theme.

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